VST Financial Aid – Information Page
Application Form can be found at the bottom of this page.
Application can be made by students admitted to VST degree or diploma programs, for up to 70% of tuition. Awards are based on financial need as indicated on the Financial Aid Application Form and registration status as confirmed by the VST Registrar.
1. April 30th for Summer Term applications
2. September 13th for Fall Term applications
3. January 24th for Spring Term applications
Financial aid will be granted according to these priorities:
- Students from denominations formally affiliated with VST, i.e. The Anglican Church of Canada, The Presbyterian Church in Canada and the United Church of Canada
- Canadian students in degree/diploma programs at VST
- International students in degree/diploma programs at VST
- ‘Permission to Register’ students may be considered as funds allow, normally in Spring term only
Criteria for Awarding Bursaries:
a) All registered degree/diploma students are eligible to apply for a bursary (applied directly to their tuition account) for up to 70% of tuition, up to the maximum number of required course credit hours and maintenance fees to complete the program in which they are registered.
b) Financial Aid will be given only for VST programs. Where a VST degree/diploma student is required to take Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) as part of their degree requirements, they are eligible to receive funding equivalent to 70% of 3 credits of VST tuition.
c) Financial Aid awards will be limited to the GAP between income and expenses, as demonstrated on the application form.
d) Regarding assets: The school expects that cash savings, investment income and cashable resources such as GIC’s and investments will be included as income on their application form and will be considered when calculating need based on the gap between income and expenses. The school does not expect students to cash RRSPs/IRAs and other international registered retirement savings or sell or mortgage their home before applying for student aid.
e) Bursaries are granted only for tuition credits (not audit fees) in the specified term and cannot be deferred.
f) A Pastoral Emergency Fund is established for distribution as discretionary grant funds in emergency situations through the Registrar. Emergency grants may not exceed $500.00 for any one student in an academic year.
g) If a student does not pass or withdraws from a course for which they received a bursary, they are ineligible to receive an additional bursary to retake the same course (or an alternative course to fulfill the same requirement).
Funding for course re-takes
If a student does not pass or withdraws from a course for which they have received a bursary, they are ineligible to receive an additional bursary to retake the same course (or an alternative course to fulfill the same requirement), unless they pay back the bursary they received for the first course.
Applicants on Probation
Students placed on Probation for academic or behavioural reasons will become ineligible to receive tuition assistance from VST during their second term on Probation. In certain cases (to be determined through FSRC and DAC) a student may be deemed ineligible to receive tuition assistance during their initial term on probation.
Thank you Notes
Bursary recipients are expected to write a thank you note to donors associated with the bursary they have been awarded. Failure to do so may result in becoming ineligible for further funding. Letters should be given to the Financial Aid Officer for mailing. Recipients’ names will be shared with the contacts we have for the donor’s fund.
Household vs. Individual budget
If you have a spouse, please give details of household budget, or explain why you choose not to do so.
Assistance for preparing Budget
Click here for the most up-to-date information on VST tuition and student fees
Moderate Standard of Living Expenses
Moderate Standard of Living guidelines apply for maximum claimable expenses in certain categories. If there is a reason why you must claim above the maximum limit, please provide explanation in Section D (Additional Information). If your expense claim exceeds the maximum limit with no acceptable explanation, your claim will be adjusted. Cost of living Vancouver information can be found at: www.numbeo.com.
Accommodation Expenses:
(for sake of comparison, fees at St. Andrew’s Hall are shown)
Room in shared suite (quad): $994 per month
Studio suites: $1,362 per month
1-bedroom suite: $1,538 per month
2-bedroom disabled accessible suite: $2,366 per month
Families with children – 2 bedroom plus den townhouse: $2,174 per month
All St. Andrew’s Hall fees include utilities and internet. Apply online at www.standrews.edu
Other approximate expenses:
Utilities (if not already included in the price of rent):
• Electric, heating, water, garbage: $34 – $130 per month
• Telephone: $80 approx. per month
• Internet: $70 approx. per month
Food: $350 per month for singles, additional for family
BC Medical Insurance: There is no cost for basic medical insurance in B.C.
Car Insurance: $1000–$1500 per year
Parking at UBC Parkade (no parking available at VST): $4.00/hour, max $20/day, $10 flat evening rate (after 5pm)
Study Permit: (for non-Canadians): $150 per Permit
Work Permit: (for spouse of non-Canadians): $155 per Term
Download the application
(Please use Adobe Acrobat Reader to fill out the form)