VST Financial Aid

VST offers several bursaries and scholarships as part of its generous financial aid package that can significantly help defray the cost of studies. Financial aid can be requested by students registered in VST degree or diploma programs.

Applicants are expected to supply a detailed budget as part of their application. Supplementary information may be required as part of the application in the case of certain scholarships. Bursaries of up to 70% are ordinarily available to students with demonstrated need.

Financial Aid Application
Deadlines for Financial Aid
On Campus Employment
Moderate Standard of Living
Bursaries & Grants

Financial Aid Application

For more information about applying for financial aid or have a specific question, please contact:
Zita Lau, Financial Aid Officer
(604) 822-6315‬ | financialaid@vst.edu

Financial Aid Information and Forms

Deadlines for Financial Aid Applications

  • April 30th for Summer Term assistance
  • September 13th for Fall Term assistance
  • January 24th for Spring Term assistance

On Campus Employment

A variety of on campus jobs are available for qualified students in VST diploma and degree programs. Jobs include classroom technology assistants, library assistants, and faculty assistants. A list of available jobs and the application process will be made available to all registered students upon their request. Many students are able to cover tuition and living expenses through a combination of bursaries and employment.

For information, please email financialaid@vst.edu.

Moderate Standard of Living

Moderate Standard of Living guidelines are used to determine maximum claimable expenses when applying for financial aid.

Accommodation Expenses

For sake of comparison, below are St. Andrew’s Hall rental cost.

  • Room in shared suite (quad): $936/month
  • Studio suites: $1,282/month
  • 1-bedroom suite: $1,449/month
  • 2-bedroom accessible suite: $2,229/month
  • Families w/ children (townhouse – 2 bedroom + den): $2,048/month

All St. Andrew’s Hall fees include utilities and internet.
Apply online at https://www.standrews.edu

Other Approximate Expenses

  • Utilities (if not already included in the price of rent):
  • Electric, heating, water, garbage: $50 – $150/month
  • Telephone: $80 approx/month
  • Internet: $50 approx/month
  • Food: $350/month for singles, more for family of 4 (up to $500 per month)
  • BC Medical Insurance: No cost for basic medical insurance in B.C.
  • Car Insurance: $1000–$1500/year
  • Parking at UBC Parkade: (no parking available at VST): $4/hour, max $20/day, $10 evening rate (after 5pm)
  • Study Permit (for non-Canadians): $150/permit
  • Work Permit (for spouse of non-Canadians): $155/permit

It is wise to budget more money for the first month to cover any potential unexpected costs. For example, some families end up paying for temporary accommodation, renting a car to look for permanent housing, buying furniture, etc.

Bursaries & Grants

H.R. MacMillian Clergy Grants Fund

VST manages the H.R. MacMillan fund for the Continuing Education of Clergy.
Please review the fund policy and application form for more information.

Continuing Education Bursaries

Lay people wishing to audit a VST Continuing Education course or workshop can apply for a tuition bursary of up to 25% of the tuition fees, to a maximum of $100.

Short-Term Housing Bursary

VST offers financial housing assistance to students who enroll in any of the following course formats:

  • January Intensives
  • Weekend Series
  • Student Orientation
  • VST Summer School (maximum of 14 days or 3 consecutive weekends, one time per academic year) offered at VST’s Vancouver location only.
  • Maximum reimbursement available for 50% of housing cost.

Please note that confirmations are required from your Director of Denominational Formation and the Registrar. Please see Terms and Policies on the application form – Forms page.