Emerging Theologies

Code: HIS/TH6/716

Dates: September 9, 2024 - November 29, 2024 on Tuesdays

Time: 6:00 pm for 3 hours

Description: This course is a journey into the significance of the changing landscape of world Christianity. With the majority of the world’s Christians now residing in the global South and East, it is crucial to understand and engage with emerging theologies from these regions. This change denotes that people at the margins are claiming their key role as agents of mission and affirming mission as transformation. This course offers students a unique opportunity to critically engage with significant Christian voices from the global South and East and to explore how emerging theologies challenge and enrich the discussion of Christian themes. Special attention is given to theological discourses and methodologies, key historical events, and major theologians in developing theologies.

Prerequisites: None

This class is available both in person and online via Zoom