Attachment 1 – Building a Sustainable Ministry Life

1. Self inventory tool: A two hour virtual workshop, capped at 12 participants per session (Dr. Fisher).
Ministry life comes with very particular and unique struggles, and many leaders find themselves living in a state of overwhelm and overwork.

We may wonder:

Is it even possible to be healthy and in ministry? Why does spiritual leadership require so many sacrifices? Is burnout inevitable? How do I protect and nurture the parts of ministry that I love?
This workshop brings both ordained and non-ordained ministry leaders into a space for self-engagement, integrative reflection, and honest dialogue about how to build sustainable ministry lives. Drawing on the language and insights of the Malcolm Inventory of Satisfaction and Stress in Ministry (MISSiM), a statistically valid and reliable assessment tool, Beth Anne Fisher helps participants self-identify their current Satisfiers and Stressors, the relationship between them, and how integrative reflection can help foster long-term thriving in ministry.

Contact Rev. Dr. Beth Anne Fisher at

Alternatively, you could contact the New Leaf Network for their workshops on discernment –

2. If you need guided support to well being i.e., a combine physical exercise, diet and meditation, visit the Christian Praxis wellness centre –PraXis – Christian Wellness – PraXis – Christian Wellness (  PraXis combines evidence-based wellness with ancient Christian spiritual practices. Their goal is to make healthy habits part of every Christian’s prayerful life. It covers three areas: mindfulness, fitness, and plant-based eating.

3. There is an alternative pathway – a process that offers rest and guided reflection (personal  retreat) in an environment that is physically conducive to emotional healing and recuperation.  The Kineo Center –General 3 — The KINEO Center

Listen to this reflection by Rev. Meagan Crosby-Shearer who had the privilege of attending a retreat- YouTube