UBC Sauder

UBC Sauder Program

Certificate in Leadership Excellence

The Vancouver School of Theology educates and forms Christian leaders for the 21st century. Leadership in the contemporary church requires administrative and managerial excellence.

Addressing this need does not in any way minimize the importance of theological education, which remains the centre piece of our work at Vancouver School of Theology. However, the ability to engage in meaningful financial analysis, to make strategic decisions in the face of complexity and uncertainty, to raise funds and to build alliances for world engaging ministry are all crucial for thoughtful, engaged and generous leadership. We believe a strategic partnership with the Sauder School of Business would help our graduates to be better prepared for ministry in this time.

Each year a cohort of Vancouver School of Theology students take a series of courses at the UBC Sauder School of Business. The courses would be in addition to their course work at Vancouver School of Theology. Courses include: Financial Statement Analysis for the Non-Accountant, Achieving Administrative Excellence, Strategic Decision Making and Coaching and Mentoring.

Taking these courses alongside students from the business community will expand the world of our students and engage them with other leaders in Vancouver. Sauder has agreed to award a specially designed certificate for students that complete the program: The Certificate in Leadership Excellence. This certification is unique in the Canadian context for theological students.

For more information please contact:
Richard Topping, Principal