ISP Summer School 2024 Registration

ISP Summer School 2024 Registration

  • ISP Summer School Information

    • Tutorials: MDiv tutorials are for students in the ISP-MDiv program only (2 - 5pm).
    • Non-Indigenous Student Registrations: There is a 20% registration cap for non-Indigenous student registrations. Participants will be advised when waitlisted.
  • Week 1 (July 8th - 12th, 2024)

    NOTE: Please ensure that you are not double-booking your days during ISP Summer School.
    Class: 9am - 12pm (PT) | Tutorial (MDiv only): 2 - 5pm (PT)
    Class: 9am - 12pm (PT) | Tutorial (MDiv only): 2 - 5pm (PT)
    Class: 9am - 12pm (PT) | Offered In-Person Only
    Class: 2 - 5pm (PT)
  • Week 2 (July 15th - 19th, 2024)

    NOTE: Please ensure that you are not double-booking your days during ISP Summer School.
    Class: 9am - 12pm (PT) | Tutorial (MDiv only): 2 - 5pm (PT)
    Class: 9am - 12pm (PT) | Tutorial (MDiv only): 2 - 5pm (PT)
    Class: 2 - 5pm (PT)
  • Lunch

    Daily lunch is available for $90/week
  • Personal Information

  • Ms., Rev., Dr., etc.
  • $ 0.00 CAD
  • Payment can be made through Populi, VST's Learning Management System, once your registration has been processed.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.