CCYFM - Certificate in Children, Youth, & Family Ministries

The program in Children, Youth, and Family Ministries at Vancouver School of Theology is designed to offer the opportunity for participants to gain background and learn skills in the field from an accredited theological school. A student can participate in the program as an auditor in classes or as a student admitted to the Certificate in Children, Youth, and Family Ministries. The educational opportunities offered through the program are flexible enough to be available for students from varied denominations and backgrounds.




A student can expect to learn in three core areas of study in the program, as described in the objectives below. More specifically, a graduate of the Certificate in Children, Youth, and Family Ministries will be able to:

  1. Theological Core – Demonstrate basic foundational understanding of the theological disciplines, particularly Hebrew Bible, New Testament, Theology, Practical Theology, and Inter-religious Studies (at least two of these areas must be included in the courses for the Certificate).
  2. Denominational Core – Demonstrate a basic understanding of the theology and ethos of the student’s denomination (in the three supporting denominations of the School: Anglican, United, and Presbyterian).
  3. Children, Youth, & Family Ministries Core – Demonstrate skills and leadership in support of faith formation, children and youth ministries, and ministries to families.


Courses will be offered at two levels of engagement, both of which take place within the same classroom:

Attendance, reading of assigned materials and participation in class is expected and reflected in an “AUD” grade. A transcript of audited courses can be issued. Any combination of courses in the three core areas may be taken, as determined by the student or as recommended by the student’s denomination.

The Certificate in Theological Studies is for all who are interested in deepening their understanding of contemporary theological thought through active engagement with the topics and theological disciplines explored in VST courses. An undergraduate degree is not required. The Certificate is granted at VST’s Convocation ceremony to students who successfully complete their program of study.

For the Certificate in Children, Youth, and Family Ministries, 15 credits in Certificate level courses must be earned in the following core areas:

  • 3 credits in the Theological Core
  • 3 credits in the Denominational Core
  • 9 credits in the Children, Youth, & Family Ministries Core

The Certificate program must be undertaken part-time to gain the full coverage of core areas. More credits in each area may be taken as the student desires or as the denomination suggests.

Practicum Units
Depending on the denomination, these course-based credits will be supplemented by field practicum units, accomplished under the auspices and supervision of the student’s denominational structures. The practicum units will be in addition to the VST program and not reflected in the 15 Certificate credits. In addition to standard VST Admission requirements to the Certificate Studies, a (Level 2) Police Information Check – PIC including a Vulnerable Sectors Check is required prior to commencing the practicum.

Feel free to contact Samuel Andri, Recruitment and Admissions Coordinator or 604-822-6502.

A note on course codes
Certificate level courses are indicated two ways. It can either be given a 100-level course code (this means there is no corresponding degree-level course) or a C is attached to a 500 or 600-level course code (the course is offered in conjunction with a degree-level course).

Theological Core (minimum 3 credits):

  • HB500C: Hebrew Bible I (3)
  • NT500C: Synoptic Gospels (3)
  • NT501C: Paul (3)
  • TH500C: Christian Theology (3)
  • PT500C: Spiritual and Theological Foundations for PPL (3)
  • Summer School offerings in Hebrew Bible, New Testament, Theology, or Practical Theology (1.5)

Denominational Core (minimum 3 credits):

  • DS624C: UCC Studies: History and Theology (3)
  • DS525C: UCC Studies: Polity for a New Day (1)
  • DS522C: UCC Studies: Worship and Music (2)
  • TH/HIS650C: Anglican History, Theology, and Spirituality (3)
  • DS601C: Anglican Polity, Ministry, and Mission (3)
  • SAH-DS510C: PCC Studies: Heritage, Polity, and Practice (3)
  • SAH-DS515C: PCC Studies: Worship, Creeds, and Confessions (3)

Children, Youth, and Family Ministries Core (minimum 9 credits)

  • PT526C: The Art of Children and Youth Ministry (1.5)
  • PT527C: Inter-Generational Rituals & Practice for Worship (1.5)
  • DS521C: UCC Studies: Faith Formation in an Intercultural Church (1)
  • IPS/SP501/2/3/4/5C: Spiritual Formation in Communities (1 x 3)
  • PT131: Spiritual Conversations: Pastoral Ministry with Children, Youth, and Families(1.5)
  • Summer School and Interterm children and youth offerings (1.5-3)

Other courses to meet specific needs and interests can be developed in consultation with VST.

Transfer into a VST Diploma or Degree Program:
Certificate credits may not be transferred directly into VST’s Diploma and Degree programs. In certain cases, students who have a BA may be permitted to upgrade certificate credits to degree-level credits with additional academic work and payment of tuition fees. Requests for upgrades can be made through the Registrar, normally only after a Certificate student has successfully been admitted to a VST graduate degree or diploma.


No prerequisites required.