Indigenizing Canada
Truth and Reconciliation
and Next Steps in Canada
with Prof. Ray Aldred
A series of online discussions with Prof. Ray Aldred, Director of the Indigenous Studies Program at VST.
Each discussion begins at 4:30pm and will conclude by 6pm (PT).
Register to receive the Zoom details.
April 13, 2022
Indigenizing Canada: Learning from Indigenous Philosophy and Identity
Relationship with Indigenous people in Canada is not an option. We are in relationship because we are sharing the same space. Indigenous philosophy, flowing out of Indigenous identity can help new comers develop and strengthen their own spirituality
April 27, 2022
Indigenizing Canada: Reconciliation as Embracing a New Identity
One of the calls to actions is to reaffirm the treaty relationship between newcomers and First Nations. It is through relationship with Indigenous people that newcomers can begin to take on a kind of Indigenous identity. An identity founded upon justice not colonization.
May 4th, 2022
Indigenizing Canada: Reconciliation as Healing
Like it or not the story of relocation and residential schools is now part of our communal memory. Indigenous understanding of how story works can help us embrace our failures by remembering them in a new way. Let’s come away and talk about the feelings we have in our hearts (Inenimowin) and understand that healing is flowing out of us because of what Jesus has done.
May 11th, 2022
Indigenizing Canada: Reconciliation as a Journey and Destination
Reconciliation aims at transformation, but it is a transformation that is ongoing. The practices of being human in relationship as understood by Indigenous people will help us develop an understanding of reconciliation that is not something you achieve and leave behind but one that is ever growing. See in this way, reconciliation is a journey and a destination full of celebration and purpose.