Honourary Doctorate (DD) Nomination Process

Nominations are solicited each fall for award of the DD at VST convocation in May of the following year.  They  are solicited with a deadline for submission of November 30.

The degree (DD) is open to a range of candidates who clearly exemplify the values of the School. Diversity of candidates and recipients is sought. Such persons should also have made a significant contribution, through the integration of theology and practice of ministry in one or more of:

  • Theological scholarship
  • Ecumenical dialogue either within the Christian community or with other faiths/traditions
  • The life and ministry of the Christian community in Canada and/or in the world
  • Interdisciplinary scholarship involving theology and other fields

Nomination Process

  • Nominations for honorary degrees and awards are typically made in writing and submitted to President’s Office at rshi@vst.edu The Nominations and Governance committee also welcomes oral nominations in instances where the nominee’s work is best articulated through storytelling and traditional means of sharing.
  • The following information should be included in a nomination:
  • the name, contact information, and position of the Nominator(s),
  • the name, contact information, and position of the Nominee,
  • a brief curriculum vitae of the Nominee (either in writing (max. 300 words) or through oral account,
  • a succinct description (either in writing or through oral account) indicating: (a) what the Nominee does or has done to deserve nomination (max. 300 words), (b) the significance of the nominee’s contribution for the community (max. 300 words), (c) recognition of other awards and/or honours the nominee may have already received (if any) (max. 150 words), and (d) evidence of how the nominee’s contributions relate to the vision, mission, and values of Vancouver School of Theology (max. 300 words) see https://vst.edu/about/vision-mission-values/
  • two or more reference letters (signed) or oral testimonies, addressed to the Nominations and Governance Committee

Current faculty and board members would not normally be eligible for nomination.

We stress that selection of recipients is a confidential process, so that you should not reveal to a nominee that that person is being nominated. No advocacy for nominees is permitted or required beyond the nomination itself.

Nominations may be sent to Rachael Shi’s email: rshi@vst.edu