VST Foundation

About the Foundation
VST USA Foundation

About the Foundation

Vancouver School of Theology Foundation (VSTF) was established by the VST Board of Governors in 2014.  VSTF was incorporated under the BC Society’s Act on February 13, 2014 and granted charitable status in May 2014 under Canada Revenue Agency Business Number 81798 8637 RR0001.

The primary purpose of the Foundation is to support theological education by advancing and promoting the purposes and activities of VST through the:

  • prudent management of assets held on behalf of VST;
  • receipt of bequests, legacies, donations, gifts, funds, and property from all sources; and
  • investment of such funds and property in a manner that provides sustainable grants to the benefit of VST.

Gifts to the Vancouver School of Theology Foundation are particularly appropriate when a donor wishes that their gift should be added to the endowment that supports VST. Should donors wish to make a specific direction on the use of their gift, they should discuss those instructions with the leaders of the school to ensure those wishes can be fulfilled. Specific purposes can include establishing and naming scholarships, bursaries, awards, programs, and academic chairs.

The long-term goal of the Foundation is not only preservation of capital, but growth as well. VSTF follows a spending (granting) policy, consistent with the standards of accreditation of the Association of Schools of Theology, based on total investment income.

For more information on the VSTF, please contact the Office of Development or the Director of Finance.


To provide a stable, continuous, and growing funding stream to VST for the formation and education of thoughtful, engaged, and generous Christian leaders.


The VST Foundation engages in the prudent management of investment funds to support the operations, programs, and strategic initiatives of the Vancouver School of Theology.


Prudence – careful, practical, and far-sighted investment strategy

Responsibility – environmental, social, and governance issues incorporated into investment analysis


  1. Seek appropriate disclosure from investment entities.
  2. Provide appropriate disclosure to the board of VST and the broader community.

VST USA Foundation

The Vancouver School of Theology USA Foundation is a registered charity under US law (IRS-EIN: 94-3152265). A letter of acknowledgement will be issued to American donors by the Foundation for the gift in US dollars. Please make your gift payable by cheque (from a US bank only) to The Vancouver School of Theology USA Foundation.

Vancouver School of Theology
6015 Walter Gage Rd.
Vancouver, BC
V6T 1Z1