Indigenous Studies Program Update
Gratitude & Encouragement
I am thankful for your continued wisdom and support as we continue the journey of Indigenous Studies at the Vancouver School of Theology. I am thankful for the opportunity to serve as director of the program for these last 8 years, and I hope to continue for a few more. I am thankful for the Summer School we enjoyed. I am thankful that we continue to have a need for Indigenous Studies as we work to draw forth what is best from the Indigenous and non-Indigenous Church.
I was struck by the idea of learning from creation as I was reading Job the last while. God’s answer to Job’s questions is to look at creation. In God’s reply to Job, God points Job to creation: creation will testify to the invisible attributes of Creator, which Paul picks up in the Christian Scripture. It made me think about the many Indigenous peoples who see the Creator’s law written in creation.
Summer School
Indigenous Summer School was a success. I want to point out a few things that I found encouraging. Ven. Katene Eruera came and taught Christian leadership from a Māori Indigenous Anglican perspective. This was a revival of past relationships that saw Māori scholars teaching at Summer School. Also, our Salmon BBQ was a great success. We received a record amount for the Dancing In offering as well as monies raised through the silent auction. Everyone helped to clean up after the BBQ and it exemplified a positive vibe all people had during Summer School. We had new students. People were encouraged as we continue to come alongside what Creator is trying to draw forth from all His people.
Teaching House
As I write this, I am just finishing a teaching house in Saskatchewan. Anglicans, United Church of Canada members, and Presbyterians gathered to encourage one another as we journey toward self-determination in the Indigenous Church. We continue to work towards teaching houses in Northern BC. By the time this is published we will have also led a teaching initiative in Winnipeg.
A trend in both churches and in society in general is the increase of self-directed or developed programs. People do not seem as interested in a set menu approach to training for ministry. More and more people want to pick and choose which courses they think they need to further their goals and aspirations for ministry. Ministry is moving away from professionalism and career to ministry as something we do as we are making our way in the world. I don’t know if this is the case everywhere, but I think we should continue to offer a broad variety of courses for Summer School in addition to strengthening the Certificate and Diploma degrees.
We are working together to empower one another to be peacemakers and healers in our communities. I am thankful to continue in this role of director and I pray that Creator continues to grant us success.