
Published bi-annually by the Vancouver School of Theology, Perspectives magazine explores contemporary issues in theological education, and challenges the frontiers of new thought.

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Engaging a Post-Pandemic World

by Bishop John R. Stephens

On January 23 of this year I was ordained a Bishop in the Anglican Church. I was ordained in a pandemic, where very few people could attend and those ...

Pathways for Tomorrow

by Anthony B. Robinson

I am pleased to re-join the VST community to work on the Lilly Endowment funded “Pathways for Tomorrow” initiative and assessment of Theological F ...

Priorities of Leadership

By Treena Duncan

United Church communities of faith and ministry initiatives in BC and Yukon are served by the body of The United Church of Canada called Pacific Mount ...

Stick to Your Ticket

by Mari Jorstad

Interpreting the Bible with an Eye to Ethics When I introduce students to exegesis, I start by showing an early scene from the movie Harry Potter and ...

Mari Joerstad

Academic Dean & Professor of Hebrew Bible

It is not a classic calling story. I went to seminary because I didn’t want to leave Canada. I couldn’t find a job that fulfilled the requirements ...

Sarah Kathleen Johnson

Visiting Professor of Theology & Worship

I had the privilege of spending most of the past fifteen months in my home office in Toronto. While watching the changing leaves of the maple tree out ...

President’s Convocation Address

by Richard Topping

Mr. Chancellor, VST board members, staff, faculty, students, friends, honored guests and graduates, especially graduates, the classes of 2020-2021, yo ...

Things They Do Teach

by Brenda Fawkes

When I first began as Director of Theological Field Education at VST I came across a social media site called: Things They Didn’t Teach Us In Semina ...

In a Time Like This

Stories by Gloria Lita D. Mapangdol, Joas Adiprasetya, & Elizabeth Ruder-Celiz

Resilience in the Face of COVID-19 by Gloria Lita D. Mapangdol Manila, Philippines It was mid-March when the Covid outbreak in Manila started. We wer ...

Shadia Qubti

VST MAIIS Student Profile

My spirituality has emerged from the margins of my society. As a Palestinian among majority Israeli population. As a Palestinian Christian among a maj ...

Indigenous Thought

by Ray Aldred

I am the Indigenous element. A purveyor of exotic raw data sent here to illuminate and beguile, to be faithful yet a bit treacherous, a singer of song ...

Formation for Ministry: A Work in Progress

by Grant Rodgers

The Facebook page “Things They Didn’t Teach Us In Seminary” describes itself as “a group for those who have graduated from an accredited semin ...

Charles Demers

VST DADS Student Profile

So many of us know what it’s like to be inside of an imperfect, too-human institution that we believe in so deeply, even when our friends and loved ...

Eccentric Hope

By Cynthia L. Rigby

I had always thought Solomon, with these words, sounded like a master of the obvious, but lately his wisdom seems a lot more layered to me. Let me explain: Of course ...

Reading an Ancient Past

By Patricia Dutcher-Walls

A world behind the text, in the text, and in front of the text Imagine the following scenario. One day, you heard of a demonstration in a city near yo ...

Thinking About God, Can Science Help

By David Wilkinson

The media has many voices who see science and Christian faith as incompatible. In Stephen Hawking’s The Grand Design, Lawrence Krauss arguing that t ...

The Life & Work of Sallie McFague

By Janet Gear

Reflections read at Sallie McFague’s memorial service. I was given a copy of Sallie McFague’s book “Models of God” as a gift when I left home ...

Book Review: Seculosity by David Zahl

By Rejoice Anthony

Upon seeing the title of David Zahl’s book “Seculosity: How Career, Parenting, Technology, Food, Politics, and Romance Became Our New Religion and ...

Innovative Leaders of the Church

Interviews with Jeff Crittenden & Deb Stanbury

My journey started at VST, actually. I asked to do my first placement in Vancouver’s Downtown East Side. At the time ...

Give Thanks to the Graduates

By Julie Lees

Sitting in her peaceful home, amidst several original pieces of art she has painted, Olive Swan speaks of her joy in volunteering at church, singing i ...

An Invitation to Conversation

By Harry O. Maier

What are the marks of a good conversation? The ability to listen well? A capacity to speak clearly? Thoughtfulness? The search for mutual understandin ...

New Tools, Ancient Practice

By Lorena Dexter Chaichian

In 2017, UBC Sauder Executive Education and the Vancouver School of Theology (VST) partnered to create a program in Leadership Excellence. This unique ...

Faithful Stewardship of God’s Gifts

Interview with Cari Copeman-Haynes

When did you come to Crossroads United Church? I was called to St. John’s Strawberry Hill United Church in 2003. In 2009, I was part of the amalgama ...

Charitable Reading: Advice to Readers of Theology

By Richard Topping

When I was an undergraduate philosophy student, I was taught the principle of charity by Prof. Bernard Suits. He told us that before we begin a critiq ...

The Importance of Friendship

By Anne-Marie Ellithorpe

What role does friendship play in your life? How important is friendship to you, and within your communities? Friendships are relationships of mutuali ...

The Case for Housing

Interview with Fredric Ametepe

What is your current housing situation? With regards to the current housing crises in Vancouver, especially for international students, I see it as a ...

Enthusiasm for What Lies Ahead

By Amy Kardash

On a lovely sunny Sunday evening in early November, I had the opportunity to visit the Vancouver School of Theology, a member of the In Trust Center f ...

Theological Education as a Learned Ministry

Interview with Sallie McFague

What is your connection to Vancouver School of Theology? I have been connected with the school for almost 30 years, which is amazing. I came here firs ...

100 Years of Cooperation & Friendship

By Santa Ono

It’s hard to believe, but in just a few short years, we’ll be celebrating the 100th anniversary of the partnership between the Vancouver School of ...