Issue: Winter 2022

Published bi-annually by the Vancouver School of Theology, Perspectives magazine explores contemporary issues in theological education, and challenges the frontiers of new thought.

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Useful Wisdom

Book review by Richard Topping

“Would you write us some letters with your advice about a bunch of things we are trying to figure out?” This request from two United Churc ...

Collin Peterson

Class of 1978, MDiv | Interviewd by Ian Sheh

[VST] Do you have any fond memories of your time at VST? [Collin Peterson] The memories fall into two overlapping categories. I lived in residence for ...

Archbishop Lynne McNaughton

Class of 1986, MDiv

Archbishop Lynne began at VST as a 26-year-old female student with an undergraduate background in Sociology and English. She remembers the congenialit ...

Germaine Lovelace

Class of 2014, DDS | 2022 T.E.G. Award Recipient | Interviewed by Ian Sheh

[VST] What memories stand out when you think of your time at VST? [Germaine Lovelace] What stands out for me the most about being at VST was the famil ...

Margaret Trim

Class of 2015, ThM | Interview by Ian Sheh

[VST] You are both a student and staff member at VST. Has being a student helped you in your role as Coordinator of Academic Records & Admissions? ...

Exploring How Liturgy can Assist the Assembly in Experiencing the Trinity

by Melissa Skelton

Some assumptions about the Trinity In speaking about the Trinity and liturgy, I am assuming that at the heart of the Trinity is a dynamic relationship ...

The Next 50 Years

by VST Faculty

Ray Aldred Over the next 50 years the big shift that will occur in Indigenous theological education will be a shift to in community training. This sh ...

Karen Medland

Class of 2002, MDiv | Interviewed by Ian Sheh

[VST] When you think back to your time here at VST, what are some important memories? [Karen Medland] I graduated in 2002. We were in the old building ...

Joachim Chisanga

Class of 2017, MAPPL | Interviewed by Ian Sheh

[VST] What was a significant memory from VST? [Joachim Chisanga] I came as an international student, not only from a different country but from a diff ...