Issue: Fall 2020

Published bi-annually by the Vancouver School of Theology, Perspectives magazine explores contemporary issues in theological education, and challenges the frontiers of new thought.

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Things They Do Teach

by Brenda Fawkes

When I first began as Director of Theological Field Education at VST I came across a social media site called: Things They Didn’t Teach Us In Semina ...

In a Time Like This

Stories by Gloria Lita D. Mapangdol, Joas Adiprasetya, & Elizabeth Ruder-Celiz

Resilience in the Face of COVID-19 by Gloria Lita D. Mapangdol Manila, Philippines It was mid-March when the Covid outbreak in Manila started. We wer ...

Shadia Qubti

VST MAIIS Student Profile

My spirituality has emerged from the margins of my society. As a Palestinian among majority Israeli population. As a Palestinian Christian among a maj ...

Indigenous Thought

by Ray Aldred

I am the Indigenous element. A purveyor of exotic raw data sent here to illuminate and beguile, to be faithful yet a bit treacherous, a singer of song ...

Formation for Ministry: A Work in Progress

by Grant Rodgers

The Facebook page “Things They Didn’t Teach Us In Seminary” describes itself as “a group for those who have graduated from an accredited semin ...

Charles Demers

VST DADS Student Profile

So many of us know what it’s like to be inside of an imperfect, too-human institution that we believe in so deeply, even when our friends and loved ...