Somerville Lecture: Artist James He Qi
Date: October 15, 2020 7:00 pm
Venue: Online via Zoom | Registration below
A Brief History of Chinese Christian Art &
My Journey of Christian Art Creation
with artist Dr. James He Qi
Christian art has been developed in China since 1400 years ago, it’s mixed the western style with Chinese localization. It’s divided into four periods: Nestorian (Tang & Yuan Dynasty); Society of Jesus(Late Ming to Middle Qing Dynasty; Semi-Colonization (After Opium War to 1949); Contemporary (After Cultural Revolution).
As for my personal experience to be involved the Fourth movement, I’d like to share my witness, my suffering and my hopes.
Dr. James He Qi is an artist-in-residence and visiting scholar at Fuller Theological Seminary. Former professor at Nanjing Theological Seminary (’83-’05), and visiting professor of Nanjing University and Nanjing Art Institute (’98-’02). Dr. He Qi’s work, “Peace, Be Still,” was recently featured in the New York Times, Searching for a Jesus Who Looks More Like Me (May 10, 2020).
Supper at Emmaus 2 by James He Qi