Student Orientation

2022 Student Orientation & Community Building Week

Date: Tueday, Sept 6th to Saturday, Sept 10th

In this important week before classes begin, students will:

  • Meet VST faculty and staff
  • Become familiar with VST policies, programs, and other aspects of VST student life
  • Share meals and worship together
  • Develop relationships with other students with whom they will be studying alongside
  • Receive special training and orientation for off-site class learning
  • Attend a denominational retreat (if applicable)

Distance students are expected to attend Orientation Week in the first year of their registration, particularly if they are in the MDiv or MAPPL programs.  Some exceptions can be made for international students or others with travel limitations – please be in touch with the Registrar.

Please register for either VST-SO (onsite) or VST-SO-D (distance) if you are enrolled in a course in Fall 2022. Access to Orientation documents and Zoom links requires registration. Those of you in time zones which don’t allow synchronous connection can watch recordings later – but we do ask that if you can connect in real-time, please do!

New Students pre-Orientation reading!  Part of VST new student orientation is understanding what you need to know BEFORE formal theological study at VST. It is therefore required that you purchase and read a book published by VST faculty, “Before Theological Study: A Thoughtful, Engaged, and Generous Approach”

We look forward to seeing you in September! Don’t forget to register now for Orientation.