The Holy Spirit & the Renewal of the Church
Code: HOM/TH6/702
Dates: January 20, 2020 - April 9, 2020 on Tuesdays
Time: 6:00 pm for 3 Hours
This course will attend to the history of the dogma of the Spirit in the ancient church, examining Basil, Gregory Nazianzen, and Augustine. We will then turn to renewed 20th and 21st century attention to the Spirit in dogmatic theology. We will read Amos Yong together on the rise of Pentecostalism. Then we will attend to local churches in Vancouver and see what is to be learned about the Spirit by talking to our neighbours, perhaps especially those most challenging to our presuppositions. The course is part dogmatics, part journalism, part reimagining our own ministries and theologies in light of the Spirit who confuses language, teaches speech, melts division into love, and prays that the kingdom would come soon.
Available by Distance
Both synchronous & asynchronous.