Story and Storytelling: Healing Medicine for Mind, Body, and Spirit
Code: ISP-EDX100C
Dates: July 15, 2024 - July 19, 2024
Time: 2:00 pm for 3 hours
As human beings we are hard wired for story. Stories help us connect, inspire, empower, create change, and heal. In this course we will explore story from multiple perspectives including the power of story, perspective, story form, transformation, and healing. Using an interactive experiential model, students will learn multiple techniques to help themselves and others tell and share stories, exploring the story of ourselves, our spiritual traditions, and our cultures. Some story techniques in this course include: simple story form, story circles, photovoice, wintercount, tree of life, dream catchers, stepping stones, and wondering models. These techniques can be used as tools for preaching, formation, creating political change, christian education, reconciliation, and helping others to heal.
Course will be taught in person at VST and via Zoom for distance students (degree students must connect synchronously if studying via Zoom).