Spirituality of Leadership
Code: SP512
Dates: January 20, 2020 - April 9, 2020 on Wednesdays
Time: 2:00 pm for 3 Hours
Designed especially for students preparing for leadership within congregations, this course will look at leadership theory through the lens of Christian spirituality. Theological and spiritual reflection will be grounded in the seven “I am” statements from the Gospel of John (light, bread, gate, shepherd, road, resurrection and vine) and in the scriptural narratives of leaders: Moses, David, Tamar, Deborah, the woman of worth, Mary and Elizabeth, Jesus, Peter, Paul and others. Students will share case studies about their leadership efforts from their ministry experiences, reflect on literature from leadership theory, and write a final essay about their own approach to leadership and spirituality.
Students preparing for Spiritual Care ministries or other religious vocations are welcome to be part of the course. The instructor will work with them to make the course relevant to the ministries for which they are preparing.
Available by Distance
Only available synchronously.