Spiritual and Theological Foundations for PPL
Code: PT500
Dates: September 9, 2024 - November 29, 2024 on Tuesdays
Time: 9:00 am for 3 hours
Description: This course is designed for students approaching ministry in pastoral and public contexts. We will attend to contemplative prayer, developing understandings of call and purpose, to the practice and articulation of faith in ordinary life, and to the shape of specifically Christian mission in the West today.
The purpose of this class is to explore, examine and engage the critical questions facing pastoral and public leadership through the Christian Church in our Post-Christendom Canadian context. What is God up to in the world today and how might we faithfully witness and encourage others to participate in the triune life of God? In a time of denominational decline and missional church movements, what might pastoral and public leadership look like in the years ahead? How might God be calling us to live and lead as thoughtful, engaged and generous Christian leaders in the world today?
Prerequisites: None
This class is available both in person and online via Zoom