Reformation History

Code: HIS6/740

Dates: January 20, 2025 - April 11, 2025 on Mondays

Time: 2:00 pm for 3 Hours

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Description: This course will familiarize students with the work of major personalities and movements of the Protestant Reformation as these arise and flourish in the social and historical context of Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Europe. The course will begin with a brief exploration of the pre-Reformation medieval Church. It will then delve into the circumstances of the reformations created by Luther, Zwingli and Calvin, as well as the English Reformation, which is related, but distinct from what happened in continental Europe. Students will engage with a range of primary source material as well as making use of secondary analysis. This course will help students to understand the themes, trends and trajectories within the Reformation, and points of agreement and disagreement between aspects of the tradition.

Prerequisites: HIS500 (This may be studied concurrently if the timing of courses in a student’s program makes this necessary or advisable)

This class is available both in person and online via Zoom