Practicing Communal Discernment
Code: SP/PT5/712 (VST)
Dates: July 6, 2020 - July 10, 2020
Time: 9:00 am for 3 Hours
At the heart of the practice of missional leadership is the capacity for a leader to create environments for congregations to discern their participation in the mission of God. This involves discerning the congregation’s own identity, purpose, and gifts within the broader landscape of God’s work and purposes in the world; discerning the presence and activity of God within the ongoing life of the congregation and God’s unfolding formation of the congregation; discerning the presence and activity of God in the world; and finally, discerning how the congregation should respond in its active life to the leading of God. In this course students will explore some theological, Biblical, and historical understandings of discernment; learn habits and practices that can shape a congregation’s faithful discernment; and explore skills necessary for leading communal discernment.