Code: NT501
Dates: January 20, 2025 - April 11, 2025 on Thursdays
Time: 9:00 am for 3 hours
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Description: To introduce students to the major themes of Pauline theologies represented by New Testament texts and, where appropriate, other New Testament and extra‑canonical literature. To situate these theologies in the social matrix of antiquity and to identify the interaction of theology and culture implicit in these theologies. To assess the relevance of these theologies for Christian existence in society and the critical issues entailed in their contemporary appropriation. To explore a variety of approaches to Pauline texts (minimally feminist, non‑eurocentrist, post‑structuralist). To introduce students to the critical scholarly debates in Pauline studies. To introduce students to an understanding of textual criticism, manuscript traditions, and scholarly debates concerning the formation of the Christian canon.
Prerequisites: None
This class is available both in person and online via Zoom