Luke – Acts

Code: NT6/742

Dates: September 9, 2024 - November 29, 2024 on Thursdays

Time: 9:00 am for 3 hours

Prerequisites: NT500 or NT501

Course Description:
The two New Testament books of Luke and Acts, likely written by the same author, are key sources for understanding the development of the traditions about Jesus and the early Church. This course explores the Lukan construction of the major characters in the narrative, and addresses the most important themes present in the two works.  Students will develop an understanding of the way that the author presents Jesus and the Church, and of the lens through which he sees things. The course also explores the sources and literary construction of the texts, and in particular will also provide students with training on how to undertake textual criticism by exploring textual variants. Students will be encouraged to consider the various ways in which textual variants have come about and to form their own theories and opinions about them.

This class is available both in person and online via Zoom