Listening to the Heart of Genesis: A Contemplative Path

Code: SP/HB6/710

Dates: July 3, 2023 - July 7, 2023

Time: 9:00 am for 3 Hours

The purpose of the course is to introduce students to a new gateway to the Book of Genesis through a Jewish contemplative practice called kriat hakodesh (reading the sacred) which has its roots in the Christian practice of lectio divina. Students will learn at least five important stories from the Book of Genesis and the method of kriat hakodesh which consists of repetitive reading of the biblical text, silence and personal questions that link of the biblical matriarchs and patriarchs with our personal lives. In addition to learning the Genesis stories, students will learn how to offer the contemplative practice to others with whom they work.

Available in-person & online.

Pre-requisites (M.Div only):  M.Div students taking this course to fulfill their advanced HB elective requirements need to have taken HB500 and BIBL500 as pre-requisites.

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