Leadership Studio II

Code: PT652


Jan 19, Feb 12, Feb 19, Mar 12, Mar 26, Apr 9


Description: PT 652 follows PT651 (Fall) and is its required completion. Together these two courses, and the required field work of 200 hours, fulfill two units of Theological Field Education (TFE-P: Leadership in Practice).

Theologically trained professionals serving congregational or social ministries, agencies, organizations and other institutions are continually presented with a changing context and the need for their organizations to respond. A key critical leadership challenge is to identify opportunities which are truly strategic and then to assist the organization to embrace the occasion.

The Studio for Public and Pastoral Leadership (The Studio-PT651/PT652)) is designed to be a crucible into which we bring ourselves – our gifts, hopes, vulnerabilities, strengths, weaknesses, uncertainties, experience – so that we may become transformed, effective leaders. It is a different kind of classroom. We will consider this question, among others: ‘How can we act from the future that is seeking to emerge?’ (Scharmer) as we also seek to engage the missio Dei (“the good news that God is a God-for-people”, Bosch).

Here there will be an opportunity for those preparing for pastoral and public leadership to combine instruction in leadership theory and theology with on-the-ground experience of discerning and developing leadership challenges and ministry opportunities. Alongside The Studio, students will be located in a ministry/leadership site, with a mentor/supervisor, where they will engage in a collaborative, creative, experiential and educational environment. A broad range of partners in church and society may become involved in the project, thus presenting learning opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration.  In all cases, we will understand the leadership opportunity to be one of serving the community in a specific context.  The Studio mentors and instructors will assist the students to research, prepare, exercise and evaluate their leadership in the context in which they are situated.  Students will normally continue in the same placement as Fall Term.

Students in The Studio will:   

  • Be introduced to key concepts in pastoral and public leadership and mentored in the practices of leadership
  • Practice peer learning, support and accountability
  • Reflect critically and constructively on all aspects of The Studio team’s work: interpersonal relationships, analysis, planning, consulting, delivery, and evaluation of effectiveness of leadership offered
  • Reflect theologically on the exercise of leadership in context

Prerequisites: Students will have successfully completed all assignments for PT651 before entering PT652

This class is available both in person and online via Zoom (synchronous only)