Indigenous Christian Urban Faith Communities
Code: ISP-SPX511
Dates: July 8, 2024 - July 12, 2024
Time: 9:00 am for 3 hours
Tutorial: 2:00–5:00 pm (M.Div only)
For the last seventy years Indigenous peoples in the U.S. and Canada have relocated from the remnants of their homelands to the urban centers. This movement occurred mainly for economic reasons. As the people moved to the cities large inter tribal communities emerged. In this gathering we will traverse and delve into the Indigenous work and ministry that continues presently in the urban centers.
What kinds of challenges do Indigenous Christian urban faith communities face in their work and ministry? What can be done to overcome some of the problem areas in this work? How can one define a successful ministry? In this course we will find ways to address these and other questions that might emerge in this work. We will also explore the characteristics that grow with the “comings and goings” within certain urban Native and First Nations communities. Topics to be discussed will include, but are not limited to: unemployment & jobs, homelessness & housing, substance abuse & recovery, healing, the meaning of being native in an urban context and other pertinent topics.
Course will be taught in person at VST and via Zoom for distance students (degree students must connect synchronously if studying via Zoom).