Anglican Sacrament of Baptism

Code: LS/SP503


For Anglicans, Baptism is the primary sacrament, which symbolizes and effects entry into life in Christ and the Church. In addition to understanding the history and theology of Baptism, Anglican clergy are expected to be competent leaders in presiding or assisting at sacramental worship, symbolizing and embodying the meaning of Baptism and being in Christ.

 This two-day online retreat/intensive enables those who are preparing for ministry in (or on behalf of) the Anglican Church to reflect on the theology and practice of Baptism and how it might best serve as a doorway into life in Christ.

PREREQUISITE: This retreat, part of the Anglican Formation program, is open to Anglican M.Div. students and students in the Anglican Diploma in Diaconal Studies (ADDS) program, unless by special permission from the Instructor.

Note: This course is on an every-other-year rotation.

Available In Person Only: Onsite intensive