United Church of Canada
The United Church of Canada awards various bursaries.
Information can be found at this website:
Alberta & Northwest Conference Bursary
Students from AB&NW should inquire if their Presbytery has informed the Conference office of their candidacy. (Student Bursary Fund, Alberta & Northwest Conference, 9911 – 48 Avenue, Edmonton, AB T6E 5V6.)
Anna Jentzsch-Bill Endowment Bursary
This bursary was set up as a memorial trust fund in 1994 with an initial gift of $100 and was subsequently added to with generous bequest from the Estate of Anna Jentzsch-Bill. Its purpose is to support women in ministry. Awards of up to $5,000 will be provided from this fund.
- The applicant must be a woman and be active in lay, ordained, or diaconal ministry. Preference will normally be given to those in paid accountable ministry.
- The bursary will support • theological studies, • continuing education, or • other professional development activity.
- The application must demonstrate how the studies, education, or professional development will enhance the applicant’s capacity to provide ministry.
Please note that the application deadline is March 15. Applications are available at https://unitedchurchfoundation.ca/grant-info/scholarships-bursaries-lectureships
Bay of Quinte Conference Student Aid
Open only to students from Bay of Quinte Conference. Application is through Presbytery Education and Students Convenor. Awards granted are of up to $600 per year.
Conference of Manitoba & Northwestern Ontario Bursary Fund
The Conference Bursary Fund will be available only to candidates for the Order of Ministry and applicants in the Designated Lay Minister program from the Conference of Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario and must be registered in theological studies. Money available depends on the number of applicants, the available funds and the nature of the request. Deadline date is May 31st. Apply to: Conference Bursary Fund, c/o Shirley May, 659 Borebank St. Winnipeg, MB. R3N 1G1
Division of Mission (Saskatchewan) Bursary
Open to participants in a recognized program of preparation for pastoral ministry in the United Church of Canada who are members of a Saskatchewan United Church congregation. Applications should be made before September. Money available depends upon number of applicants. Apply to: UCW Coordinating Committee, c/o Saskatchewan Conference, 418A MacDonald Street, Regina SK S4N 6E1. phone (306) 721-331
The Elizabeth White Bursary
This is for a Chinese person who is seeking ordination in the UCC. Up to $5,000 is available, renewable annually but the recipient is expected to work in a Chinese United Church congregation for a number of years equal to the years of receiving the bursary. Application available from Registrar Inquire further: Ethnic Ministries, Division of Mission in Canada, UCC
Evangelical United Brethren Bursary
Open only to students with Evangelical United Brethren background. Apply to: United Church of Canada Division of Ministry Personnel and Education 3250 Bloor Street West Etobicoke, ON M8X 2Y
Gordon Fulford Fund, Grey St. United Church, Winnipeg
One bursary is available annually for a student in theology from Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario Conference. For information contact: Don McKenzie, 758 Beach Avenue, Winnipeg MB R2L 1C9 Phone (204) 667-4975
Kent Presbytery Bursary Fund (London Conference)
Open only to students from Kent Presbytery. Application is through the Kent Presbytery Student Committee. Detailed Annual budget is required. (Apply to: Kent Presbytery c/o Rev. David Steadman, Secretary, Charing Cross, ON N0P 1G0)
McCord Scholarship
Student must be from Bay of Quinte Conference and preferably from Renfrew Presbytery. Apply to: Conference Secretary, Bay of Quinte Conference Office, 218 Barrie Street Kingston, ON K7L 3K3