VST President’s TEG 2025 Award Recipient Named
For Thoughtful, Engaged, and Generous Christian Practitioners
The Vancouver School of Theology is delighted to announce Rev. Amanda Ruston as the 2025 recipient of the TEG Award. Established by President Richard Topping in 2019, this award recognizes leading practitioners in Christian ministry during their early years of career service.
A graduate of VST’s Master of Divinity program in 2022, Mother Amanda Ruston (OBSCn) is a vowed Benedictine and Priest-in-Charge at St. James’Anglican Church in Vancouver’s Downtown East Side. During her VST studies, Mtr. Amanda completed the Sauder School of Business Certificate in Leadership Excellence, and she continues to immerse herself in continuing education opportunities, including courses at Canterbury Cathedral and the Anglican Centre in Rome.
After beginning her ministry at St. James’ as a student intern, Mtr. Amanda served as Assistant Curate for two years and then as Priest Associate until May 2024. Her nominators expressed how at home Mtr. Amanda is serving one of Vancouver’s most vulnerable communities. She describes the congregation of St. James’ as “naturally diverse and so equally focused on the beauty of worship and worshipping God.” She received VST’s Chancellor’s Award for extraordinary ministry potential in 2021. Her ministry is creative, invitational, and energetic. An artist as well as a priest, Mtr. Amanda recently illustrated 50 New Testament Stories for Storytellers by the Venerable Dr. Rob James. A 2024 interview with Mtr. Amanda can be found in perspectives 81.
“Amanda seems to have boundless energy. She clearly loves what she is doing, and this encourages and supports others to renew their own commitment to living as Jesus would call us to be. She has a deep kindness to her that touches people; clearly showing compassion and solidarity. She seeks justice for all people and is grounded in hope and this draws others on that walk with her.”
—Right Rev. John R. Stephens, Bishop of the Diocese of New Westminster
“[Amanda] wants her entire life dissolved into Christ’s, and she makes me want that more as well. … By our final course together, she was effectively a TA, helping Father Matthew Johnson and I to teach about ministry in the Downtown East Side.”
—Rev. Dr. Jason Byassee, Lead Minister at Timothy Eaton Memorial United Church
“Amanda has been an outstanding leader, student, and colleague over the seven years of study and ministry of which we have shared. I have had the privilege of being in many classes and clergy gatherings with Amanda to experience her faithful presence to God and her calling. She has contributed excellent thoughts, prayer, and ministry tools to my life and the life of many.”
—Rev. Lorie Martin, Priest-in-Charge at St. Thomas Anglican Church
About the TEG Award
The Vancouver School of Theology President’s TEG Award (Thoughtful, Engaged, and Generous) is a distinguished award for leading practitioners in the Christian faith to be nominated and recognized by VST for their contributions. It is not restricted to alums or affiliates of VST. Instead, it expresses VST’s stature in the broader community, with a strong and growing reputation for leadership development, innovation, and change. This award will be presented at the 2025 Convocation ceremony in May.
The TEG award is intended to have a continuous presence in the community. Thanks to the annual generosity of founding donors and other supporters, this award will continue each year to acknowledge the outstanding contributions of Christian leaders.
Nominations for the 2026 VST TEG Award are welcome. The award is open to all full-time ministry leaders within the first ten years of full-time employment in Canada. Candidates will be known for their exemplary leadership and contributions to Christian ministry for the 21st Century, reflecting the virtues of being thoughtful, engaged, and generous in keeping with the mission of VST. Nominations should be directed to Rachael Shi at rshi@vst.edu in the President’s Office and received by December 31, 2025. Successful recipients may receive this award once.