2022 Chancellor’s Scholars

2022 Chancellor’s Scholars Confirmed

The Vancouver School of Theology has named Jennifer Sharlow and Shirley Carleton as the 2022 recipients of the Chancellor’s Scholarship. These scholarships are the most prestigious and generous awards offered to VST students each year.

Jennifer Sharlow
Jennifer resides in Victoria, BC and is a mother of three daughters. Through her attendance at a local Anglican Church, Jennifer was introduced to VST by her priest, leading to a conversation with the Registrar and the decision to begin her theological studies with one course. Jennifer is now well into her journey in the Master of Divinity Program. Through her studies at VST, Jennifer has made wonderful friends, enjoyed the experiences with excellent professors, and is especially grateful for the fieldwork where she has experienced meaningful ministry opportunities. Jennifer notes the ecumenical nature of VST and a diverse student body, with varied backgrounds, life experiences and religions. Jennifer cites the Indigenous and Inter-Religious Studies as invaluable influences in setting the tone for the student body. As Jennifer states: “I so appreciate that we are encouraged to ask difficult questions and continuously expand and evaluate our theology and worldview.” The Chancellor’s Scholarship will enable Jennifer to complete the MDiv with less stress and in a more timely manner.

Shirley Carleton
Shirley is enrolled in the VST Master of Divinity program. She was expecting an academic experience that would equip her for ministry with the Presbyterian Church in Canada. What she did not anticipate was such empathetic and encouraging professors, mentors, and staff who provide support, guidance, and healthy doses of humour along the way. I am impressed with the quality of education students receive at VST, as well the time spent in discernment as we prepare for our calling in ministry. I am also encouraged by the amazing energy, adaptability, and hope I witness in students who are being prepared to share the Good News. When not attending to seminary activities, Shirley works part-time as a Spiritual Care Coordinator at the GSS Delta View Extended Care Home. Shirley enjoys writing worship songs and sharing them––with the help of her husband, Terence––at church services, fundraising events and, well, just for fun. In expressing her gratitude as a recipient of the Chancellor’s Scholarship, Shirley says: “I am excited about my future calling into the ministry of Word and Sacrament with the Presbyterian Church and I cherish this gift I have received. May God bless you for your faithfulness.

About the Chancellor’s Scholarships
Each year two Chancellor’s scholarships of $7,000.00 will be awarded to students entering their final year of studies at Vancouver School of Theology, as an encouragement to fuller-time engagement in their studies. The award is intended to support the costs associated with the recipient’s tuition and related personal investment in theological education.

To qualify to receive a Chancellor’s Scholarship, the recipient needs to be: (1) a student who is in a degree program that aims at congregational ministry and who will be entering their final year of study in the fall; (2) a student with at least a B+ average in courses in which a grade is assigned and; (3) a student who shows promise for ministry, in the opinion of faculty and their relevant judiciary. The awards were assigned by the VST faculty at its May meeting with thanks to Chancellors of VST, under the generous leadership of former Chancellor Dr. Heather F. Clarke.