Murdock Trust

VST Launches Congregational Flourishing Initiative, Murdock Trust Investment

M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust Invests Over $270,000
Church and Community Engagement is its Focus

Vancouver School of Theology teaches its students to work together with all people of good will for the good of the world.  We believe where congregations and leaders are able to work with all their neighbours for the flourishing of human life and the planet – on matters like housing, food security, prejudice and the warming of the globe – there we are serving God’s reconciling mission.  In times of scarce resources and polarized politics this is easy to forget.

Stressed congregations can substitute survival strategy for mission that engages the world God loves. A solid theology of the church of Jesus Christ indicates that it is birthed for mission to the world. The Vancouver School of Theology (VST) is establishing the Congregational Flourishing through Community Engagement initiative which will gather educational, leadership, program and practical resources that will catalyze mission (the raison d’etre of the church) for the renewal of congregations.

Coupled with its own resources, the launch of this initiative is made possible through a generous grant of $192,000 USD ($270,000 CDN) by the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust, a Vancouver, Washington based organization. The Trust serves individuals, families and communities across the Pacific Northwest, including British Columbia through grantmaking, enrichment programs and convenings that strengthen the region’s educational, social, spiritual and cultural base in ways that are innovative and sustainable.

(R-L) Victor Kim, Richard Topping, Shari Coltart, Tom Berekoff, and John Franklin met in November to discuss VST’s application to the Murdock Trust for funding to support Congregational Vitality through Community Engagement.