VST Building Construction Updates
During the final week of September 2015, VST was granted occupancy of its new home!
Fom this point on we will be operating entirely from our new facility. We thank God for the provision of an exciting future ahead of us for our students, staff, faculty and wider community.
Below are a series of reports from our construction company, API Construction, regarding the progress of building the new VST. Please note that the latest reports are at the top of this post.
Construction – August 13, 2015:
Construction Summary:
The interior finishes on the top 3 floors are 99% complete. Interior door hardware, washroom accessories, and curtain wall installation are in progress and will be completed the week of Aug 17th.
• Floor prep, flooring and tile will start next week and be completed within the next 2 weeks.
• Exterior retaining walls and planters have been poured and stripped, and the east side courtyard pavers have been installed. The west retaining walls have been poured and stripped and the stairs and ramp will be completed the week of Aug 17th.
• Installation of the west courtyard pavers will start the week of Aug 17th as well.
• Wood soffit and siding installation will be completed by Aug 21st.
• Entry storefront glazing, hardware and openers will be completed by Aug 27th.
Please note that there will be temporary closures of the north and south walkways during work hours due to public safety concerns with overhead work taking place.
Note that this work can change from day-to-day as a result of weather and other restrictions that are in place. Contractors are anticipating some work may require slightly longer working hours and Saturdays, but still maintaining the hours of work within the UBC By-laws.
Construction – June 9, 2015:
Construction Summary:
- All interior rough in service inspections have been completed and all fire stopping work signed off by UBC Building Inspector.
- Drywall is in progress to approx. 75% of the building, with painting to start on the 4th floor June 15th.
- All interior finishes will now follow a 5 – 7 day completion cycle per floor.
- Exterior stucco (base & scratch coats), as well as window trims will be completed by the end of the week and that will allow the exterior scaffolding to be removed from the building. The stucco finish coat will be applied in approx. 2 – 3 weeks time, with painting to follow.
- Wood soffit and siding installation is scheduled to start in the next week with the use of scissor lifts and hiabs.
- Please note that there will be temporary closures of the north and south walkways during work hours due to public safety concerns with overhead work taking place.
Key Equipment Used:
- Hand tools, skill saws, jackhammers and air compressors
- Demo bins on a rotating basis
- Mobile crane, bobcat & small backhoe.
Upcoming Activities:
- Site work for the new concrete planters, entry stairs and ramp work will start the 1st week of July, after the waterproofing has been completed to the slab.
- Exterior glulam buttress work is scheduled for the 2nd week of July.
- Framing & services to start for the archive storage room in the parkade over the next 2 weeks.
Anticipated Daily Routine:
- Open gates, start equipment up and commence with work at 7:30 am.
Construction – June 3, 2015
Above is the most recent image taken of the new VST; the plaster is going on, the windows are all in and the dry-walling has begun, with projected move in date on schedule for August 2015!
Construction Summary:
- Roof complete
- Interior wall framing in progress.
- New mechanical & electrical in progress to parkade area.
- Please note that there will be temporary closures of the north and south walkways during work hours due to public safety concerns with overhead work taking place.
Key Equipment Used:
- Hand tools, skill saws, jackhammers and air compressors
- Demo bins on a rotating basis
- Mobile crane, bobcat & small backhoe.
Upcoming Activities:
- Detailed backframing for interior offices in progress
- Window installation in progress
- Plumbing, Mechanical & Sprinkler work starting next week.
- Interior atrium stair to be constructed next week.
Anticipated Daily Routine:
- Open gates, start equipment up and commence with work at 7:30 am.
Construction Activity Report
VST Renovation Project Jan 9 – Jan 19 The Vancouver School of Theology is in the process of converting a student residence into their new VST Operations Facility which will house their faculty offices, administrative offices, classrooms, meeting rooms and a Library. This construction activity report outlines the renovation work in progress and what will be happening over the next few weeks.
Construction Summary
- Trusses installed and roof framing 95% complete.
- Interior wall framing in progress.
- New mechanical & electrical in progress to parkade area.
- Please note that there will be temporary closures of the north and south walkways during work hours due to public safety concerns with overhead work taking place.
Key Equipment Used
- Hand tools, skill saws, jackhammers and air compressors
- Demo bins on a rotating basis
- Mobile crane, bobcat & small backhoe.
Upcoming Activities
- All major framing to be completed by Jan 16th.
- Torch on roofing to start Jan 20th.
- Window delivery week of Jan 12th for first 3 floors.
- Plumbing rough-in to start week of Jan 12th.
- Site clean-up & prep for new concrete planter walls and ramp at entry
Construction Activity Report
VST Renovation Project Dec 12 – Dec 26 The Vancouver School of Theology is in the process of converting a student residence into their new VST Operations Facility which will house their faculty offices, administrative offices, classrooms, meeting rooms and a Library. This construction activity report outlines the renovation work in progress and what will be happening over the next few weeks.
Construction Summary
- Trusses delivered and craned to roof for install.
- Exterior wall reframing approx. 95% complete.
- Interior wall framing in progress.
- Please note that there will be temporary closures of the north and south walkways during work hours due to public safety concerns with overhead work taking place.
Key Equipment Used
- Hand tools, skill saws, jackhammers and air compressors
- Demo bins on a rotating basis
- Mobile crane, bobcat & small backhoe.
Upcoming Activities
- Roof framing and interior wall framing in progress
- Torch on roofing to start on main roof 3rd week of December.
- Prep work for window installation late December
- Site clean-up & prep for new concrete planter walls and ramp at entry
Anticipated Daily Routine
- Open gates, start equipment up and commence with work at 7:30 am.
Note that this work can change from day-to-day as a result of weather and other restrictions that are in place. Contractors are anticipating some work may require slightly longer working hours and Saturdays, but still maintaining the hours of work within the UBC By-laws.
Construction Activity Report
VST Renovation Project Nov 28 – Dec 12 The Vancouver School of Theology is in the process of converting a student residence into their new VST Operations Facility which will house their faculty offices, administrative offices, classrooms, meeting rooms and a Library. This construction activity report outlines the renovation work in progress and what will be happening over the next few weeks.
Construction Summary
- Steel work complete to main floor framing.
- Exterior wall reframing approx. 90% complete.
- Interior wall framing in progress.
- 4th floor exterior wall framing 100% ready for trusses.
- Please note that there will be temporary closures of the north and south walkways during work hours due to public safety concerns with overhead work taking place.
Key Equipment Used
- Hand tools, skill saws, jackhammers and air compressors
- Demo bins on a rotating basis
- Mobile crane, bobcat & small backhoe.
Upcoming Activities
- Trusses & roof materials will be lifted to the 4th floor on Friday Dec. 5th.
- Roof framing and interior shear wall framing in progress
- Site clean-up & prep for new concrete planter walls and ramp at entry
Anticipated Daily Routine
- Open gates, start equipment up and commence with work at 7:30 am.
- Please note that there will be temporary closures of the SAH parking area on Dec. 5th from 8 am until 2 pm while the crane is in use to lift trusses.
Note that this work can change from day-to-day as a result of weather and other restrictions that are in place. Contractors are anticipating some work may require slightly longer working hours and Saturdays, but still maintaining the hours of work within the UBC By-laws.
Construction Activity Report
VST Renovation Project Oct 31 – Nov 14 The Vancouver School of Theology is in the process of converting a student residence into their new VST Operations Facility which will house their faculty offices, administrative offices, classrooms, meeting rooms and a Library. This construction activity report outlines the renovation work in progress and what will be happening over the next few weeks.
Construction Summary
- All concrete work for the new slab bands in the parkade has been completed.
- Exterior wall reframing approx. 60% complete.
- Steel work delivered and prep work for install underway.
Key Equipment Used
- Hand tools, skill saws, jackhammers and air compressors
- Demo bins on a rotating basis
- Mobile crane, bobcat & small backhoe.
- Concrete pump truck
Upcoming Activities
- Removal of end gables on 4th floor
- Reframing exterior walls to accommodate new window layouts
- Steel beams and columns in progress on main floor
- Re-shoring slab band work in parkade
- Site clean-up & prep for new concrete planter walls and ramp at entry
Anticipated Daily Routine
- Open gates, start equipment up and commence with work at 7:30 am.
Note that this work can change from day-to-day as a result of weather and other restrictions that are in place. Contractors are anticipating some work may require slightly longer working hours and Saturdays, but still maintaining the hours of work within the UBC By-laws.
Construction Activity Report
VST Renovation Project Sept 12 – Sept 26 The Vancouver School of Theology is in the process of converting a student residence into their new VST Operations Facility which will house their faculty offices, administrative offices, classrooms, meeting rooms and a Library. This construction activity report outlines the renovation work in progress and what will be happening over the next few weeks.
Construction Summary
- Majority of main demo work is now complete. End gables of existing roof will be removed after building scaffolding and safety netting is in place.
- Interior concrete slab areas have been cut and removed from upper floors
- Drilling for new concrete work in parkade in progress
Key Equipment Used
- Hand tools, skill saws, jackhammers and air compressors
- Demo bins on a rotating basis
- Mobile crane, bobcat & small backhoe.
- Building scaffolding w/ safety netting
Upcoming Activities
- Removal of first floor slab areas outside the footprint of the new floor plan
- Framing for new floor plan layouts, starting on the main floor
- Steel beams and columns to be installed on main floor
Anticipated Daily Routine
- Open gates, start equipment up and commence with work at 7:30 am.
Note that this work can change from day-to-day as a result of weather and other restrictions that are in place. Contractors are anticipating some work may require slightly longer working hours and Saturdays, but still maintaining the hours of work within the UBC By-laws.
Construction Activity Report
VST Renovation Project Aug 29 – Sept 12 The Vancouver School of Theology is in the process of converting a student residence into their new VST Operations Facility which will house their faculty offices, administrative offices, classrooms, meeting rooms and a Library. This construction activity report outlines the renovation work in progress and what will be happening over the next few weeks.
Construction Summary
- Main services stripped from the interior of the building, electrical panels kept on each floor for temp power during construction,
- Interior non-structural walls removed ready for steel work,
- Demo materials and debris removed around perimeter of building and salvage materials stockpiled on existing sidewalk areas,
Key Equipment Used
- Hand tools, skill saws, jackhammers
- Demo bins on a rotating basis
- Mobile crane, bobcat & small backhoe.
- Building scaffolding w/ demo chutes
Upcoming Activities
- Removal of 4th floor walls, roof and balconies,
- Cut back concrete slab areas to allow for new framing and steel installation,
- Removal of building areas for new plan layout.
Anticipated Daily Routine
- Open gates, start equipment up and commence with work at 7:30 am.
Note that this work can change from day-to-day as a result of weather and other restrictions that are in place. Contractors are anticipating some work may require slightly longer working hours and Saturdays, but still maintaining the hours of work within the UBC By-laws.
Construction Activity Report
VST Renovation Project Aug 1 – Aug 8 The Vancouver School of Theology is in the process of converting a student residence into their new VST Operations Facility which will house their faculty offices, administrative offices, classrooms, meeting rooms and a Library. This construction activity report outlines the renovation work in progress and what will be happening over the next few weeks.
Construction Summary
- Drywall removal 95% complete.
- Stone facing removal 95% complete
- Concrete stairs and landings removed.
Key Equipment Used
- Hand tools, skill saws, demo hammer on machine
- Light excavator and bob cat for material moves to dump trucks
- Demo bins
- Building scaffolding w/ demo chutes
Upcoming Activities
- Removal of insulation & exterior stucco, demo bins on site
- Trucks dropping off and picking up demo bins
- Exterior demo work on 4th floor roof to start next week.
Anticipated Daily Routine
- Open gates, start equipment up and commence with work at 7:30 am.
Note that this work can change from day-to-day as a result of weather and other restrictions that are in place. Contractors are anticipating some work may require slightly longer working hours and Saturdays, but still maintaining the hours of work within the UBC By-laws.